Pretul produsului Parchet laminat Saxon HDF 8 mm, 1285 x 192 mm, stejar monitoba contine TVA.
Toate informatiile cu privire la produsul Parchet laminat Saxon HDF 8 mm, 1285 x 192 mm, stejar monitoba sunt cele prezentate pe In cazul in care sesizati o diferenta intre prezentarea existenta pe site si imaginea produsului Parchet laminat Saxon HDF 8 mm, 1285 x 192 mm, stejar monitoba sau produsul in forma fizica/livrata, va rugam sa ne informati pentru remedierea acesteia. Fotografia afisata pentru produsul Parchet laminat Saxon HDF 8 mm, 1285 x 192 mm, stejar monitoba poate contine accesorii care nu fac parte din pachetul standard de vanzare.
Ocazional, pot aparea neconcordante in afisajul pretului si al stocului cauzate de intarzieri de actualizare a informatiei in sistemul electronic de gestiune. Echipa Praktiker Romania depune toate eforturile ca informatiile prezentate sa fie permanent actualizate. Orice eventuala eroare va fi semnalata si clarificata de operatorii nostri la momentul verificarii comenzii dvs.
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Pretul afisat pe site-ul nu este un pret unic valabil in toate magazinele Praktiker, ci acesta poate diferi fata de magazinele fizice.
The price of the product laminate flooring 8 mm HDF Saxon 1285 x 192 mm, Oak monitoba contain VAT.All information regarding the product laminate flooring 8 mm HDF Saxon 1285 x 192 mm, Oak monitoba are those featured on If you understand the difference between presentation on the website and the image product laminate flooring 8 mm HDF Saxon 1285 x 192 mm, Oak shaped product monitoba or physics/delivered, please inform us to remedy it. The photo displayed for product laminate flooring 8 mm HDF Saxon 1285 x 192 mm, Oak monitoba may contain accessories that are not part of the standard package for sale.Occasionally, there may be discrepancies in its stock price and the display caused delays for the updating of electronic chart display and information system management. Praktiker Romania team that the information presented to be permanently updated. Any eventual error will be signaled and clarificata of our operators at the time check your order.All promotions and offers presented on the website are valid within the limits of available stock.The price displayed on the website there is a single price valid in all Praktiker stores, but it may differ from physical stores face.

Laminate flooring product price Saxon HDF 8 mm, 1285 x 192 mm, oak monitoba include VAT.
All information on the product HDF 8mm Laminate Saxon, 1285 x 192 mm, oak monitoba are presented If you notice a difference between presenting the existence of the site and product image Saxon HDF 8mm Laminate Flooring, 1285 x 192 mm, oak or product monitoba in physical form / shipping, please inform us troubleshooting. The photo displayed product Laminate Saxon HDF 8 mm, 1285 x 192 mm, oak monitoba may contain accessories that are not part of the standard package for sale.
Occasionally, there may be inconsistencies in display price and stock caused by delays to update the information in electronic management system. Praktiker Romania team endeavor that the information presented to be constantly updated. Any possible error will be detected and clarified our operators to check your order when
all promotions and offers presented on the website are available in stock.
The price on the website is not it is a unique price valid in all Praktiker, but it may differ from physical stores.

the price of the product laminated flooring saxon hdf 8 mm, 1285 x 192 mm, monitoba contains oak vat.all the information regarding the product laminated flooring saxon hdf 192 mm x 8 mm, 1285, oak monitoba are those presented in where you see a difference between the existence on the website and product image hdf laminate flooring saxon 192 mm x 8 mm, 1285, oak monitoba or product in a physical form / delivered, please let us know for its correction. the photograph displayed for laminate flooring product saxon hdf 8 mm, 1285 x 192 mm, oak monitoba may contain the accessories that are not part of the standard package for sale.occasionally, can appear in the display of the stock price and inconsistencies caused by delay of updating information in the electronic system management. praktiker romania team strive to be permanently updated the information presented. any possible error will be reported at the time of operators and clarified our checkout your command.all promotiile and offers on the website are valid in the limit of the stock available.the price tag on the website is not a single price valid in all praktiker stores, but this may differ from physical stores.