Recomandarea noastra este sa apelati la firme/persoane autorizate, profesionisti pentru montaj, membri ai AMPR ( Asociatia Montatorilor de Pardoseli din Romania) Firmele care monteaza parchet trebuie sa respecte conditiile mentionate mai sus, sa raspunda de preluarea suprafetelor de montaj si de montajul efectiv al parchetului si sa elibereze clientului certificat de garantie de minim 24 de luni in baza facturii/contract montaj
Parchetul din lemn exotic este un material natural si, ca oricare dintre acestea, prezinta diferente de culoare si textura datorate unicitatii fiecarui arbore si a conditiilor climatice de crestere. Aceste variatii nu pot fi interpretate ca si deficiente de calitate.
Parchetul masiv exotic este destinat spatiilor rezidentiale,comerciale,sali sport, muzee, etc
Our recommendation is to contact companies/persons authorised, for professionals, members of the AMPR (Association of Flooring fitters ' from Romania) firms that must comply with parquet floor mounts conditions mentioned above, to respond by taking over the mounting surfaces and installation of parquet and issue the certificate of guarantee to the customer for a minimum of 24 months, based on the invoice/contract AssemblyExotic wood flooring is a natural material and as any of these shows differences in color and texture due to the uniqueness of each tree and the climate conditions. These variations cannot be interpreted as quality deficiencies. Flooring solid exotic is designed for residential, commercial spaces, sports halls, museums, etc.

Our recommendation is to seek companies / persons authorized professionals to assembly members AMPR (Association Fitters Flooring, Romania) Companies that installed flooring must meet the conditions mentioned above, respond by taking surface mounting and mounting effective parquet and release customer warranty certificate at least 24 months in the invoice / contract assembly
Prosecutor exotic wood is a natural material and any of these shows differences in color and texture due to the uniqueness of every tree and climatic conditions for growing . These variations can not be interpreted as quality deficiencies.
Woodblock exotic is for the residential, commercial, sports halls, museums, etc.

our recommendation is to contact the firm / authorised persons, professionals for mounting members (the ampr fitters flooring from romania) firms which edits flooring must respect conditions mentioned above, to respond to the takeover of editing and montage of the judiciary and to effectively release client certificate of guarantee of minimum 24 months the basis of invoice / contract assemblythe wood is a natural material and exotic, like any of these, presents the differences of color and texture due to unicitatii every tree growth and climate conditions. these variations can be interpreted as quality deficiency.the massive spaces exotic is intended for residential, commercial, sport halls, museums, etc.