3. Results and discussions:
3.1. Spare time ("How much spare time do you have an average day?")
When asked about average daily spare time, the most common response was 3-4
hours / day (50.8%), followed by response 1-2 hours / day (40.0%). Taken together, the two responses totalize more
than 90%, allowing us to appreciate that most subjects interviewed have spare time between 1 and 4 hours per day.
Percentage of respondents that have more than 4 hours per day of spare time is too small (6.7%) to be considered
significant in relation to the first two response options. A percentage of 2.5% say they don`t have spare time at all.
3.2. Preferences for leisure activities ("What kind of recreation do you prefer?")
At this question the number of responses is higher than the total number subjects, due to the existence of multiple
responses (six possible).
According to the percentage distribution, the responses can be grouped as follows: In first place among student
preferences emerges (24.1%) the option for leisure sitting in front of a screen (TV / internet).
Follows a group of three options with a close frequency: Leisure sports (18.3%), Entertainment/ Movies /
Concerts (17.7%) and Recreation in nature (16.7%).
On the last places between the preferences of medical students were mentioned Reading (13.2%) - still relatively
close to group number two - and Attending Clubs, located at appreciable difference from the other options (9.6% ).
Although option ranked No. 1, (i.e. TV / Internet) confirms a general trend of sedentary lifestyle, the fact that
physical activity and sports where mentioned in second place, with a generous percentage, entitle us to believe that
our department's efforts towards accustoming students leisure sports activity and sport have paid off.
We note the relatively small percentage of those who have expressed interest in Clubs, which confirms the view
that medical students are generally more serious and less "fashionable" than average young people today. This
conclusion is confirmed by the fact that the other option of last class (Reading) registered almost 10% more than
Clubs, approaching the upper group.
3.3. Leisure Sports ("Do you practice sports in your spare time?")
More than half (57.5%) of respondents answered "yes" at this question, while 42.5% responded "no." It must be
mentioned that the percentage of those who responded positively to the question is higher than those who opted for
Leisure Sports as recreational activities (47.5%), confirming the optimistic conclusion from the previous point,
namely that despite the limited spare time budget, most of the medical students realize the need to exercise for a
healthy and balanced life. On the other hand, the percentage of those who don`t practice leisure sports is still very
3.4. Where / how you do sports?
At this question answered only those who chose "Yes" at the previous question. It is noted here that most subjects
choose to do Leisure Sports in a non-organizational form, either alone (17.5%) or with a group of friends (23.3%).
Only 18.3% of students practice organized sports activities in leisure time (in a Gym or at a Sports Club).
3. Results and discussions:3.1. Spare time ("How much spare time do you have an average day?")When asked about average daily spare time, the most common response was 3-4hours / day (50.8%), followed by response 1-2 hours / day (40.0%). Taken together, the two responses totalize morethan 90%, allowing us to appreciate that most subjects interviewed have spare time between 1 and 4 hours per day.Percentage of respondents that have more than 4 hours per day of spare time is too small (6.7%) to be consideredsignificant in relation to the first two response options. A percentage of 2.5% say they don`t have spare time at all.3.2. Preferences for leisure activities ("What kind of recreation do you prefer?")At this question the number of responses is higher than the total number subjects, due to the existence of multipleresponses (six possible).According to the percentage distribution, the responses can be grouped as follows: In first place among studentpreferences emerges (24.1%) the option for leisure sitting in front of a screen (TV / internet).Follows a group of three options with a close frequency: Leisure sports (18.3%), Entertainment/ Movies /Concerts (17.7%) and Recreation in nature (16.7%).On the last places between the preferences of medical students were mentioned Reading (13.2%) - still relativelyclose to group number two - and Attending Clubs, located at appreciable difference from the other options (9.6% ).Although option ranked No. 1, (i.e. TV / Internet) confirms a general trend of sedentary lifestyle, the fact thatphysical activity and sports where mentioned in second place, with a generous percentage, entitle us to believe thatour department's efforts towards accustoming students leisure sports activity and sport have paid off.We note the relatively small percentage of those who have expressed interest in Clubs, which confirms the viewthat medical students are generally more serious and less "fashionable" than average young people today. Thisconclusion is confirmed by the fact that the other option of last class (Reading) registered almost 10% more thanClubs, approaching the upper group.3.3. Leisure Sports ("Do you practice sports in your spare time?")More than half (57.5%) of respondents answered "yes" at this question, while 42.5% responded "no." It must bementioned that the percentage of those who responded positively to the question is higher than those who opted forLeisure Sports as recreational activities (47.5%), confirming the optimistic conclusion from the previous point,namely that despite the limited spare time budget, most of the medical students realize the need to exercise for ahealthy and balanced life. On the other hand, the percentage of those who don`t practice leisure sports is still veryhigh.3.4. Where / how you do sports?At this question answered only those who chose "Yes" at the previous question. It is noted here that most subjectschoose to do Leisure Sports in a non-organizational form, either alone (17.5%) or with a group of friends (23.3%).Only 18.3% of students practice organized sports activities in leisure time (in a Gym or at a Sports Club).