laminate flooring kronoswiss at good price with over 300 models having thickness of 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm and 14 mm. the factory located in kronoswiss back menznau switzerland has a history of over 48 years in the field prelucrarii ligneous materials in various formats from pal or laminate, and laminate flooring but tego plywood. kronoswiss is part of the group kronospan biggest processor of wood in europe at this time.the philosophy is that of maintaining the products offered premium quality regardless of the traffic class or thickness so that any customer who buy our products to be fully satisfied.with a perfect closing between plates having the most modern systems of click this hardwood floor is by far the number 1 in europe.because many times the words are too few to describe some things please watch the movie presentation to understand what it means kronoswiss ag.