Pentru ca educatia este suportul de care toti avem nevoie in viata, si pentru ca in Romania se resimte o nevoie acuta de profesionisti in toate domeniile, care sa exceleze in munca si care sa reabiliteze numele tarii, ca stat membru al Uniunii Europene, AMPR ia initiativa de a forma tinerii ce vor sa urmeze o cariera in domeniul pardoselilor profesionale, creand astfel oportunitatea de a forma, inca de la varste fragede, viitorii profesionisti ai amenjarilor interioare.
Because education is the medium by which we all need in life, and because in Romania is felt an acute need of professionals in all fields, to Excel in work and to rehabilitate the country's name, as a Member State of the European Union, take the initiative to AMPR shape young people who want to pursue a career in the field of professional floor Thus, creating the opportunity to form, even from an early age, future professionals you amenjarilor.

because education is the support that we all need in life, as in romania and for his acute need professionals in all fields, to excel at work and to clear his name of the country, as a member state of the european union, ampr take the initiative to form the young what they want to pursue a career in the field of coverings professional, therefore creating the opportunity to shape, since the early age, the professional interior amenjarilor.