Constructiile metalice au devenit solutia ideala pentru mediul industrial, dar nu numai. Datorita rezistentei, a modului facil de asamblare si a perioadei scurte de finalizare, regasim constructii metalice in aplicatii de genul cabinelor industriale, a cabinelor de comanda, a constructiilor tehnice pe piloni sau a organizarilor de santier.
Fie ca vorbim de situatii cu un grad de dificultate sporit precum al constructiilor civile sau industriale tip zgarie-nori sau a constructiilor civile si industriale in zone inaccesibile mijloacelor de transport, constructiile metalice au cunoscut o dezvoltare tehnologica rapida, implicand zilnic tot mai multi arhitecti in acest sector.
Un avantaj major al constructiilor metalice il reprezinta gama diversificata de inchideri si gradul de izolare ce poate fi superior materialelor clasice.
Produse Euro Modul -containere, structuri metalice, case mobile
EURO MODUL este o prezenta dinamica in industria constructiilor metalice proiecteaza, produce si dezvolta aplicatii pe 3 directii principale: containere, structuri metalice, case mobile.
Metal buildings have become the ideal solution for industrial environments, but not only. Due to resistance, easy Assembly and short period of completion, the metal can be found in applications like cabins, cabins, technical constructions on stilts or meters.Whether you talk about situations with an increased degree of difficulty of civil engineering or industrial type skyscraper or civil and industrial constructions in areas inaccessible to vehicles, metal constructions have experienced a rapid technological development, involving daily more and more architects in this sector.A major advantage of metallic constructions is the wide range of cladding and insulation that can be superior to classical materials.Euro-products containers, steel structures, mobile homesThis module is a EURO dynamic in construction industry metal designs, produces and develops applications on three main directions: containers, steel structures, mobile homes.

they become the ideal solution for metal construction industry, but not only. because of the resistance, the easy assembly and short period of construction completion, find metal in applications like booths booths industrial, command, construction technical pillars or organizarilor of like talk situations with a high degree of difficulty of civil or industrial type constructions such as skyscrapers or civil and industrial constructions in areas inaccessible to means of transport, construction metal they met a rapid technological development, involving every day more and more architects in this sector.a major advantage of metal construction represents diverse range of shutdowns and degree of isolation can be superior to classical materials.euro how products - containers, metal structures, mobile homesthe euro is a present mode dynamics in metal construction industry projects, produce and develop applications in three main directions: containers, metal structures, mobile homes.